Assignment 1 - Pong
How to Play
W,S to control Player 1, Up and down arrow control Player 2. Whoever scored 10 first gets a piece of cookie.(Nah just joking, you'll only get a message on that)
Source for Audio Effects
The submission made use of some audio effects from external sources
Clapping by Camo1018
Bounce by JustInvoke
Game Sound Correct by Bertrof
A trimmed version of cartoon_bounce_synth_pitch_bend by wangzhuokun
Extra Features
A fully trigger based bounce system (to recreate the original, no physics involved gameplay).
The ball resets to the centre, starts moving in a random direction (not like a 360 degree kind of random, it is limited to 90 degree facing each player to prevent the ball spawning and moving parallel to the player and get stuck/ takes forever to reach the players) and at the predefined speed every time a player scored.
Paddles are restricted in between the two walls and will not clip/move through, and because the game is based on triggers, the paddles will not move sideways or rotate or get stuck.
A clearly legible albeit absolutely hideous score display for both player.
A game over logic of whoever scored 10 wins, and display a winning message.
Player can choose to play again by pressing the play again button in the game over scene.
Sound effects for ball bouncing off player and wall, player scoring and winning.
To make the game a bit more entertaining, the ball will move 20% faster after each player hit. Speed resets after a player scored.
And just to congratulate myself...
Here marks the end of my hectic week trying to catch up. Gotta get some gaming coz I haven't played any games other than Pong this week. I'll be so rusty in Rainbow 6 now that I am gonna be demoted to bronze. Or maybe I'll be bronze regardless of this project. I am just bad at gaming.
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